Happy New Year 2022!

 Happy New Year to All!

I am not one who goes to count down every New Year period.  In fact,most years during New Year Eve, I just sleep through the night 😜 This year did something different, and finally brought my DSLR for a shoot with my friends!  We went to shoot that ship flares, which supposingly, is a maritime tradition for ships to fire flares at midnight of New Year.

Coincidentally, it was a raining night and I'm glad to capture my first ever lightning shot together with the ship flares! 😜 Am really lucky to be in the correct framing when the lightning striked! 😬

Had a good time together with @bellaella777@ongwill @tangenghui this New Year Eve.  Something different for this year...

Hope you guys out there had a good time too!

Ship Flares + Lightning

Ship Flares

Ship Flares

Ship Flares


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