Soul Mate Movie Gala Premiere & Movie Review 《七月与安生》首映禮与觀后感

Having received a total of 7 nominations for the upcoming 53rd Golden Horse Awards including Director, Best Leading Actress (for both actresses Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sichun), Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Makeup & Costume Design and Best Original Film Song; SOUL MATE, which storyline is adopted from Annie Baby’s novel, is no doubt is a movie to look forward to.

一共入圍了第53屆金馬獎7個獎項提名 -- 最佳導演、最佳女主角 (周冬雨與馬思純雙雙入圍)、最佳改編劇本、最佳剪輯、最佳造型設計與最佳電影原創歌曲獎﹔改編自安妮寶貝(現名:慶生)之同名小說的電影 《七月與安生》,令人期待不已。

Soul Mate Movie Trailer

Producer 監製: Peter Ho-sun Chen 陳可辛, Jojo Hui Yuet-chun 許月珍
Director 導演: Derek Tsang 曾國祥
Cast 主演: Zhou Dongyu 周冬雨 as Li Ansheng 李安生 , Ma Sichun 馬思純 as Lin Qiyue 林七月, Toby Lee 程彬 as Su Jiaming 蘇家明

Date of Release: 10th November 2016
Run time: 110-mins
Genre: Coming-of-age, Romance-Drama

Soul Mate Synopsis
LI ANSHENG, an ordinary 30 year-old working class, whose quiet life in Shanghai is suddenly disrupted by the publication of a novel, entitled “Qiyue and Ansheng”, a chronicle of her friendship with QIYUE during her youth. In an accidental encounter with SU JIAMING, her long repressed memories are unleashed… Qiyue and Ansheng seemed destined to become friends from the moment they entered high school at the age of thirteen. The two girls were complete opposites; one was calm like water, the other was passionate like fire. They were inseparable and believed that their bond would last for the rest of their lives.

However, the cruelty falls in when both of them fell in love with the same man, Sui Jiaming, during their age of eighteen. Despite trying hard to suppress her feelings for Jia-ming, it took just a single moment for Ansheng's youthful passion to ignite; and suddenly they were hopelessly entangled in a complicated love-triangle.

Ansheng tried to distance herself from Jiaming by pretending to be in a relationship with another man and leave with him. On the day of her departure, Qiyue discovered Ansheng's relationship with Jiaming and decided to keep her knowledge of their affair secret. The two best friends went on their separate ways, knowing things would never be the same. It was the beginning of Ansheng’s vagabond existence while Qiyue stay behind to safeguard her love with Jiaming, while awaiting for Ansheng’s return. The lives of the two women have never crossed path since then. The only thing that keep them connected, is the unbroken stream of postcards that they sent each other.

Not wanting to lose each other, they tried to reconcile but Jiaming remained the obstacle which they could not overcome. More than ten years had passed since Jia-ming last encountered Anseng. To his surprise, Anseng and Qiyue both lead parallel lives. Even more shocking is the discovery of along buried secret shared by the women –a secret that serves as an emblem of their youth and the proof of their friendship.

年屆30的李安生是個普通的上班族,在上海過著平靜的生活。直到一本名為《七月與安生》的小說面世,她與好友林七月的少年往事重新曝光。李安生意外偶遇蘇家明,本已塵封的記憶掀起滔天巨浪…… 十三歲同校的七月與安生, 宿命般地成為了朋友。她們一個恬靜如水,一個張揚似火,性格截然不同、卻又互相吸引。她們以為會永遠陪伴在彼此的生命裡,然而十八歲那年,她們在遇見了蘇家明並同時愛上他時,在青春的歲月帶來了陣痛。 安生本想克制對家明的愛戀,但年輕的情感一觸即燃,三人糾纏在隱秘的三角關係中。安生藉故跟男人遠走,想逃離家明。遠行當天,七月發現了她和家明的關係,卻隱忍下來,沒有戳破。心照不宣的兩人漸行漸遠,她們都明白,再不能像以前一樣了。 安生從此過著流浪的生活,七月則選擇了留在原地,守護自己與家明的愛情,也在守望安生的歸來。兩人的生活去往不同方向,唯一聯繫她們的,是從來不曾中斷書寫的明信片。 通過文字,兩個女孩的友誼以一種奇特的方式延續著,既有思念,更有顧忌。她們不願真的失去對方,試圖見面修復昔日裂痕,然而,家明始終是她們無法逾越的那一道坎。 十多年後,蘇家明重逢李安生,意外發現她已活成林七月的樣子。不僅如此,他還發現了七月和安生的另一個秘密……那是她們青春的延續,也是她們友誼的證明。

Soul Mate Official Theme Song 《七月與安生》電影主題曲

The original theme song “(It’s not a crime) It’s just what we do” is written and sang by Leah Dou (Faye Wong’s daughter), and the music video is directed by the film’s producer, Peter Ho-Sun Chan.

電影《七月與安生》主題曲《It's Not A Crime, Its Just What We Do》是由王菲女兒竇靖童詞曲創作並主唱,而音樂 MV 則由陳可辛導演執導。

Soul Mate Movie Review 《七月與安生》觀后感
Attended the Gala Premiere at Plaza Singapura, which Derek Tsang, the film director, graced the event, sharing his thoughts of getting several nominations for the 53rd Golden Horse Awards and the rationale of picking the 2 actresses for the movie. The movie brings about many thoughts and makes one ponder what is the underlying messages.  At first glance of the trailer, I have thought that the movie is about homosexuality and bisexuality, but it is pretty much about the friendship of two gals. The friendship of the girls are so deep that the triangle relationship entangled them with so much hate and love. Love the twist at the end and how the friendship carries on for eternal.  After watching the movie, I can understand why the movie received 7 nominations for the upcoming 53rd Golden Horse Awards.


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