Return of the Cuckoo 《十月初五的月光》 Gala Premiere and Movie Review

The movie, RETURN OF THE CUCKOO, directed by Hong Kong renowned director Patrick Kong 叶念琛, features a stellar cast of Hong Kong’s biggest stars including Chi Lam Cheung 张智霖, Charmaine Sheh 佘诗曼, Nancy Sit 薛家燕, Michael Tong唐文龍, as well as Joe Chen陈乔恩from Taiwan.

A spin-off from the well-loved Hong Kong drama which is better known as 澳门街, RETURN OF THE CUCKOO tells the endearing tale of Man Cho (Chi Lam Cheung) who was rendered mute since young and Kwan-Ho (Charmaine Sheh).

When Man-Cho (Chi Lam Cheung), Kiki (Joe Chen) and their neighbors were celebrating Aunty Q ‘s birthday (Nancy Sit), Kwan-Ho who has migrated to US made a surprise appearance at the birthday party. Despite the jovial ambience, Kwan-ho appears to be strangely quiet and seems troubled.

At the same night, Man-Cho receives news that Lai-Sun has died in a car accident.  Being worried, Man-Cho followed Kwan-ho to the hotel and eventually saves her from her suicide attempt.   After Kwan-ho got discharged from hospital, she is still sad and often deep in thoughts. Man-Cho, Aunty Q and Kiki tried their best to cheer Kwan–ho up by showering her with care and concern.

Through the years, Man-Cho,Kwan-Ho, Kam-Sing and Aunty Q have experienced the joys and sorrows of life. While things seem to be getting better, bad news strikes with Man-Cho learning that he has cancer and left with less than half a year to live…

1999年在澳門回歸這一天,文初(張智霖飾)、琪琪(陳喬恩飾)及眾街坊在替Q姨朱莎嬌(薜家燕飾)慶生的時候, 移居美國多年的君好(佘詩曼飾)突然出現生日會,文初卻發現多年不見的君好整天沉默寡言,心事重重。


經過多年風風雨雨,文初、君好、金勝、Q姨等人嘗盡人生的喜怒哀樂,生命的甜酸苦辣。好不容易初見彩虹,文初卻在這時被醫生診斷他喉嚨的癌細胞已經擴散到大腦, 並僅剩半年壽命…

Trailer of Return of the Cuckoo 《十月初五的月光》:

Return of the Cuckoo 《十月初五的月光》 Gala Premiere
The leading cast: Chi Lam Cheung 张智霖, Charmaine Sheh 佘诗曼, Nancy Sit 薛家燕 had made their graced the opening Gala on 9 November at Resorts World Theatre.  Here are some shots from the event.

The theme song 《祝君好》is originally sang by male lead Chi Lam Cheung while the cover version for the movie is sang by our very own local songbird Kit Chan 陈洁仪. Some friends commented they totally have no feelings for Kit's version.  Being a long time fan of Kit, I have no doubts in her singing skills.  However, I can understand why my friends feel this way.  If you look into the lyrics, it is written from Man Cho's perspective.  That is why, singing from Chi Lam naturally bind the hearts stronger for those who have been watched the drama series.  Here's the 2 versions for your own comparison.

Kit's Version:

Chi Lam's Version

My Review / 電影觀后感
The movie is supposed to be a continuation from the drama series, however, there has been a lacking of sufficient connection back to the drama serial.  For some audience whom has not never watched the drama series before, may somehow feel lost at times.  Despite coming back together after 15 years, surprising the chemistry between Chilam and Charmaine is still pretty good. The movie would have fare better with a stronger storyline. Overall, I feel the movie is still enjoyable but it will definitely appeals to the fans of the drama serial as well as fans of Chilam and Charmaine.

The movie is a call out to all, to treasure the person around you and not wait till you lost him/her then regret about it.  Remember, treasure all the little things around you, and you will be surrounded by happiness.

《十月初五的月光》是電視劇《澳門街》的延續篇。然而,在劇情的連接上做得不夠充足。因此導致一些從未觀看《澳門街》的觀眾,時而一頭霧水。盡管過了15年才再度合作, 張智霖與佘詩曼之間的默契不減當年。遺憾的是,影片的故事性不夠強, 不然必定興起另一個風潮。當然,這部影片還是有可看性的。但對於《澳門街》, 張智霖與佘詩曼的粉絲,會具備更大的吸引。


Return of the Cuckoo will be screening in the cinemas on 12 Novemeber 2015.


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