Movie Review: The Golden Era 《黃金時代》觀后感

The Golden Era Synopsis:
The Golden Era, directed by Ann Hui, is a biopic of Chinese writer Xiao Hong (Zhang Naiying) from 2 June 1911 - 22 Jan 1942, who had written several novels acclaimed for their lyrical, reflective imagery.  The movie recounts Xiao Hong's short and unhappy life, from her childhood days in Heilongjiang Province till her final days in Hong Kong. The movie also narrates her complicate love life with fellow writer, Xiao Jun, as well as Wang Enjia, Duanmu Hongliang and Luo Binji. Xiao Hong died of tuberculosis at the age of 31, amid the growing turbulence of war with Japan.  But several key episodes in her life remain obscure and disputed, even now.


The Golden Era Review:
A 3-hour movie is usually enough to put off people from watching the film, espeically when it is a biopic of a Chinese writer who isn't familar to most of us of this generation.  However, the 3 hour movie do not feel lengthy at all. 

The first act begins in black and white picture, with Xiao Hong in front of the camera, introducing her short life, from her date of birth to date of death, is impactful.  Then the movie move into colour, outling the writer's life.

The biopic is much of an unconventional one, with fragmented monologue placed in intervals, having various character recounting their encounter and memories with Xiao Hong.  However, as the biopic does not follow the logical timeline, so the flashed back interview slots may creates some confusion to viewers who do not follow through out the movie closely.

Despite seeing Director, Ann Hui's effort to get the viewers to focus more on the talent of Xiao Hong, rather than her complicated love life through the movie; I can't help feeling, Xiao Hong's love life is still the centre of attention of the movie.  Nonetheless, the several verses / quotes by Xiao Hong, which are shared throughout the movie, did brought to my attention and interest to her literature and I'm gonna check out more on her works.

Looking at the movie into a deeper level, you will realised that this is not simply a biopic, but also of an art film, not because of the literature of Xiao Hong, but about the philosophy in life, the art of life.

To read more about the classical quotes in the movie, read here.

Last but not least, thanks Clover Films for the invite!

CAST 角色介紹:
Xiao Hong 蕭紅                        // casted by TANG Wei 湯唯飾 
Xiao Jun 蕭軍                           // casted by FENG Shaofeng 馮紹峰飾
Duanmu Hongliang 端木蕻良  // casted by ZHU Yawen 朱亞文飾
Lu Xun 魯迅                             // casted by WANG Zhiwen 王志文飾
Ding Ling 丁玲                         // casted by HAO Lei 郝蕾飾 
Luo Binji 駱賓基                      // casted by HUANG Xuan 黃軒飾
Bai Lang 白朗                           // casted by TIAN Yuan 田原飾
Mei Zhi 梅志                             // casted by YUAN Quan 袁泉飾
Shu Qun 舒群                            // casted by SHA Yi 沙溢飾
Wang Enjia 汪恩甲                   // casted by Yuan Wenkang 袁文康飾


—— 摘自蕭紅《呼蘭河傳》


由許鞍華執導的《黃金時代》是描述民國時期四大才女之一蕭紅(原名:張乃瑩),的傳記電影,主要內容講述蕭紅一個特立獨行的女子,一路流亡,從北方到南方,從哈爾濱到香港,一邊躲避戰亂,一邊經歷著令人唏噓又痛徹心扉的愛情 (與汪恩甲、蕭軍、端木蕻良、駱賓基四個男人之間的情感糾葛) 與人生。對生的堅強對死的掙扎在她筆下穿透紙背,她的人生亦是如此。

一般上,三個小時的電影足以讓人卻步,尤其影片講述的主人翁,蕭紅,並非我們這一代所熟。然而,三小時的傳記電影 《黃金時代》,並未令人感到沉長。




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Images Credit: Clover Films Singapore


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