Cafe Waiting Love Singapore Gala Premiere and Movie Review 《等一個人咖啡》新加坡首映会及觀后感
自《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》后,眾九把刀迷都一直期待《等一個人咖啡》能夠被拍成影片。一旦得知這本小說將改編成電影,大伙兒都好不期待,我也不例外!等了又等,終於,《等一個人咖啡》電影將於9月4日在新加坡正式上映。有幸出席了於8月24日舉辦的新加坡首映會,謝謝 MM2 Entertainment Singapore!等待一個,能看見你與眾不同的,那一個人。”
Emcee for Cafe Waiting Love Gala Premiere - Y.E.S. FM93.3 DJ, Xie Jiafa |
Casts - Megan Lai (賴雅妍), Vivian Sung (宋芸樺), Bruce (布魯斯) and Director Ciang Chin-Lin (江金霖) |
Lucky MM2 Fans get to take a group photo with Director and casts of Cafe Waiting Love! |
The Emcee, Director and Casts made their appearance again in the movie theatre (Photo by HTC M8) |
Zooming to take a close look at the Emcee, Director & Casts. (Photo by HTC M8) |
電影《等一個人咖啡》乃改編自台灣著名作家九把刀(Giddens Ko) 同名小說而成的新作品﹔繼《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》,為 “愛情三部曲”的第二部。電影《等一個人咖啡》是由九把刀和“偶像劇之母”柴智屏共同監制,及《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》的導演江金霖 (Ciang Chin-Lin) 執導,一起打造的撼動人心的新愛情故事。
電影《等一個人咖啡》講述大學新鮮人,思螢(宋芸樺飾)在課余時間來到“等一個人”的咖啡店打工,結識了咖啡沖調技術高超,任何客人點的特調咖啡都能做得到的超酷拉子 (Lesbian) —— 阿不思(賴雅妍飾)、每天都看似無所事事的神秘美麗老板娘(周慧敏飾),和她的暗戀對象 —— 喜歡坐在固定座位,看似身邊女友不斷的帥氣男生澤 (張立昂飾),及同校並擁有許多離奇傳說的學長阿拓(布魯斯飾)。
思螢也漸漸與熱血真誠的阿拓結為好友,開朗但傻氣的阿拓為了完成去環游世界的夢想而到處打工,因此不斷的延畢也令他成為了校園中的傳奇老學長。但在打工中,阿拓認識了看似凶惡的黑道大哥但其實曾是很有才氣的電影導演的海產店老板暴哥(李羅飾),以及擁有一身驚人廚藝的洗衣店老板娘金刀嬸(藍心湄飾)。深深被思螢的正義感電到的阿拓,常常介紹他那些有趣的好朋友給思螢認識,思螢的生活也因為有阿拓而變得多彩多姿。思螢一直暗戀著澤 而只是把阿拓當成無話不談的好朋友,直到阿拓決定要離開台灣,出國去實現夢想時,她這才發現一直等待的人不是澤於,而是阿拓.....
賴雅妍以嶄新姿態,超短發飾演阿不思,意外地超帥,很有咖啡師的風范。久違的周慧敏,一副一振不起的模樣,令人不禁產生憐愛。貌似夏于喬的宋芸樺, 感覺清新,且較嬌滴。溫文爾雅的張立昂令人感覺溫暖,而布魯斯的燦爛陽光笑容及那深深的酒窩簡直迷死人。雖然僅是綠葉,李羅及藍心湄卻演得稱職,出位卻未喧賓奪主。《等一個人咖啡》比起《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》, 感覺上,雖然少了些感動,卻多了份奧妙。如果你屬於淚腺發達的一族,請照舊記得自備紙巾,影片依然有感人之處。
李思螢// 宋芸樺 Vivian Sung 飾
阿拓// 布魯斯 Bruce 飾
阿不思// 賴雅妍 Megan Lai 飾
老板娘// 周慧敏 Vivian Chow 飾
澤 張立昂 Marcus C. 飾
暴哥// 李羅飾
金刀嬸// 藍心湄 Pauline Lan 飾
片尾最后一幕以黑底白字写出一句“阿拓,我们都很想念你”, 其实《等一个人咖啡》是以九把刀好友,“阿拓”作为人物原型,而现实生活中的“阿拓”因为车祸丧生,九把刀想将这部电影献给天上的挚友。
Fans of Giddens Ko, have been waiting eagerly for his novel 《等一個人咖啡》 to be transcript to movie and finally, "Cafe. Waiting. Love 等一個人咖啡" will be officially screening in Singapore on 09/04. Lucky me, gotten the chance to attend the Gala Premiere at Shaw Lido, all thanks to MM2 Entertainment Singapore.
The story is about a freshman, Si Ying, who worked part-time in "Cafe. Waiting. Love", where she got to knew the awesome barista - ABuSi, who is able to brew any flavor ordered; the beautiful yet mysterious cafe proprietress; and the apple of her eye - Ze Yu, who always love to seat a particular table and seemed never lack of girlfriends and the legendary senior - Ah Tuo who has been postponing his graduation.
In pursuant of his dream to travel around the world, Ah Tuo has been taking up different jobs and know many people of all sorts. Deeply attracted by Si Ying's righteous character, Ah Tuo always introduced his friends to her, including the gangster like Bao Ge, whom is a talented ex-film director cum seafood shop owner, as well as laundry proprietress, Jin Dao Sao, with awesome culinary skills. While Si Ying's life has been spiced up by Ah Tuo, she has always regards him as a good pal only while holding her touch for Ze Yu. It is until Ah Tuo's decision to depart Taiwan, that she started to realize the person she is been waiting for all this while... is actually Ah Tuo.
While the movie seems much of a campus comedy romance, it has cleverly incorporate the whimsical elements.
For those who have read the original novel, pls do not expect the movie to stay true by its original story. Several characters in the movie actually deviate quite a fair bit from the novel and the plot's development is very much unexpected.
Expect loads of laughter with typical Gidden's nonsensical jokes throughout the movie and be amused some of the fantasy plots. Be attracted by ABuSi's charisma with Megan Lai's new short hair image, as well as the melancholic cafe proprietress by Vivian Chow who has not been making appearance for long, whom you can't help feeling sorry for her. Vivian Sung reminds me of Kimi Hsia Yu Chiao, yet of a more demure version. Marcus C's gentleman look is defnitely heart-warming while Bruce's sunshine look gonna killa you with his big bright smile and deep dimples. Though Li Luo and Pauline Lan are not the leading casts, they are 2 very important characters that adds on many sparks to the movie! While the movie is pretty much of a comedy, there's are still parts which touches one' heart; for those who can't hold their tears, please do prepare your tissue pack.
電影《等一個人咖啡》講述大學新鮮人,思螢(宋芸樺飾)在課余時間來到“等一個人”的咖啡店打工,結識了咖啡沖調技術高超,任何客人點的特調咖啡都能做得到的超酷拉子 (Lesbian) —— 阿不思(賴雅妍飾)、每天都看似無所事事的神秘美麗老板娘(周慧敏飾),和她的暗戀對象 —— 喜歡坐在固定座位,看似身邊女友不斷的帥氣男生澤 (張立昂飾),及同校並擁有許多離奇傳說的學長阿拓(布魯斯飾)。
思螢也漸漸與熱血真誠的阿拓結為好友,開朗但傻氣的阿拓為了完成去環游世界的夢想而到處打工,因此不斷的延畢也令他成為了校園中的傳奇老學長。但在打工中,阿拓認識了看似凶惡的黑道大哥但其實曾是很有才氣的電影導演的海產店老板暴哥(李羅飾),以及擁有一身驚人廚藝的洗衣店老板娘金刀嬸(藍心湄飾)。深深被思螢的正義感電到的阿拓,常常介紹他那些有趣的好朋友給思螢認識,思螢的生活也因為有阿拓而變得多彩多姿。思螢一直暗戀著澤 而只是把阿拓當成無話不談的好朋友,直到阿拓決定要離開台灣,出國去實現夢想時,她這才發現一直等待的人不是澤於,而是阿拓.....
賴雅妍以嶄新姿態,超短發飾演阿不思,意外地超帥,很有咖啡師的風范。久違的周慧敏,一副一振不起的模樣,令人不禁產生憐愛。貌似夏于喬的宋芸樺, 感覺清新,且較嬌滴。溫文爾雅的張立昂令人感覺溫暖,而布魯斯的燦爛陽光笑容及那深深的酒窩簡直迷死人。雖然僅是綠葉,李羅及藍心湄卻演得稱職,出位卻未喧賓奪主。《等一個人咖啡》比起《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》, 感覺上,雖然少了些感動,卻多了份奧妙。如果你屬於淚腺發達的一族,請照舊記得自備紙巾,影片依然有感人之處。
李思螢// 宋芸樺 Vivian Sung 飾
阿拓// 布魯斯 Bruce 飾
阿不思// 賴雅妍 Megan Lai 飾
老板娘// 周慧敏 Vivian Chow 飾
澤 張立昂 Marcus C. 飾
暴哥// 李羅飾
金刀嬸// 藍心湄 Pauline Lan 飾
片尾最后一幕以黑底白字写出一句“阿拓,我们都很想念你”, 其实《等一个人咖啡》是以九把刀好友,“阿拓”作为人物原型,而现实生活中的“阿拓”因为车祸丧生,九把刀想将这部电影献给天上的挚友。
Fans of Giddens Ko, have been waiting eagerly for his novel 《等一個人咖啡》 to be transcript to movie and finally, "Cafe. Waiting. Love 等一個人咖啡" will be officially screening in Singapore on 09/04. Lucky me, gotten the chance to attend the Gala Premiere at Shaw Lido, all thanks to MM2 Entertainment Singapore.
The story is about a freshman, Si Ying, who worked part-time in "Cafe. Waiting. Love", where she got to knew the awesome barista - ABuSi, who is able to brew any flavor ordered; the beautiful yet mysterious cafe proprietress; and the apple of her eye - Ze Yu, who always love to seat a particular table and seemed never lack of girlfriends and the legendary senior - Ah Tuo who has been postponing his graduation.
In pursuant of his dream to travel around the world, Ah Tuo has been taking up different jobs and know many people of all sorts. Deeply attracted by Si Ying's righteous character, Ah Tuo always introduced his friends to her, including the gangster like Bao Ge, whom is a talented ex-film director cum seafood shop owner, as well as laundry proprietress, Jin Dao Sao, with awesome culinary skills. While Si Ying's life has been spiced up by Ah Tuo, she has always regards him as a good pal only while holding her touch for Ze Yu. It is until Ah Tuo's decision to depart Taiwan, that she started to realize the person she is been waiting for all this while... is actually Ah Tuo.
While the movie seems much of a campus comedy romance, it has cleverly incorporate the whimsical elements.
For those who have read the original novel, pls do not expect the movie to stay true by its original story. Several characters in the movie actually deviate quite a fair bit from the novel and the plot's development is very much unexpected.
Expect loads of laughter with typical Gidden's nonsensical jokes throughout the movie and be amused some of the fantasy plots. Be attracted by ABuSi's charisma with Megan Lai's new short hair image, as well as the melancholic cafe proprietress by Vivian Chow who has not been making appearance for long, whom you can't help feeling sorry for her. Vivian Sung reminds me of Kimi Hsia Yu Chiao, yet of a more demure version. Marcus C's gentleman look is defnitely heart-warming while Bruce's sunshine look gonna killa you with his big bright smile and deep dimples. Though Li Luo and Pauline Lan are not the leading casts, they are 2 very important characters that adds on many sparks to the movie! While the movie is pretty much of a comedy, there's are still parts which touches one' heart; for those who can't hold their tears, please do prepare your tissue pack.
Image Credit for non-watermarked images
OMG! 周慧敏 do not seem to age at all! Like! :)