Shane Cao at BookFest@Singapore 2013

14 December 2013, Singapore - I first got to learn about Shane Cao (曹轩宾) was some time around 12th Global Chinese Music Awards 2012 (GCMA 2012) when radio stations kept playing his cover version of 《可惜不是你》, which was originally composed by him and sang by Fish Leong (梁静茹). 

During the GCMA 2012, he wore a white suit and played the piano version of 《可惜不是你》, and looked totally like a prince charming.  His version was so melancholic that I can’t help feeling tears at the verge!  His live performance left a deep impression on me.

(Video Credit: Michelle Jee)

Recently, Shane returns to Singapore as a Singer with his latest album, Rigel 《参宿七》. The songs in his latest album consists of different elements liks Electric, Rock, R&B, Funk, etc; which is big change from his usual ballet singing.  It might be too big a change for some but I feel that this is great as he gets to explore the different varieties of music and not limiting himselfs to ballets only, even though I personally still prefer his ballets. 

His appearance was at the BookFest@Singapore 2013. Shane sang a couple of songs, including 《纠结》 as well as the keyboard version of 《可惜不是你》.  He also sang《还记得吗》 which was originally inspired by his friend who had passed on and dedicate it to those who have lost their loved ones, and hope to encourage them to be strong.

After his performance, there was an autograph session where crowd of fans are seen and couple of them holding dozens of his latest albums! The response is considerably good for a new comer.  The fans also got a chance to take a snapshot with him which is a great ending to the session.

To view more photos of Shane at BookFest@Singapore 2013, pls visit my Facebook Photo Album.



近日,曹轩宾再度重返新加坡宣传他的最新专辑《参宿七》 (shēn xiù qī) 并于新达城第七届海外华文书展中举行了签唱会。他的新专辑包含不同的音乐元素,如:电子、摇滚、R&B, 及Funk。对于一些人来说,这样的转变或许太大了,但我却不以为然,能够尝试多元化的音乐是件好事,虽然我仍然较爱他的抒情歌曲。

曹轩宾为大家带来了几首好歌,包括,《纠结》 、及键盘钢琴版的《可惜不是你》。他也演绎了《还记得吗》,一首灵感自一位已故友人的动人故事,并献给那些失去至亲的观众,希望能够激励他们勇敢走下去。演出过后,便举办签名会。以一位新人来说,出席率还算不错,更有歌迷买了大批的专辑以示支持!歌迷除了能获得他的签名外,还能与他和照,好不欢喜!



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