A Star drops by...

Well I'm still pretty much hooked on Instagram and enjoy posting to Instagram almost every single day.
Today, a star drops by and added glamour to my Instagram.  Wondering what I'm talking about? Let the picture do the talking....
Mediacorp Actress, Priscelia Chan 曾诗梅(@prisceliahan actually drops by my Instagram account and like several of my photos.  Her visit indeed added some glamour...
Actually, prior to this, there are some other visits from other stars too...  Medicacorp Actor, Zheng Ge Ping 郑各评 (@zhenggeping) & Mediacorp actress, Constance Song 宋怡霏(@constancesong).

And best of all, I also gets visitor like, famous Aunty Lucy aka Mediacorp Radio DJ/Actor/TV Host, Zhou Chong Qing 周崇庆 (@zhouchongqing).

Frankly speaking, I'm not a celebrity in anyway, nor do I have huge network, so their visits do add some pleasant surprise to me.  In fact, I do get visitors of overseas stars too.  But due to I watch less of English shows, I can't really identify them by their name and confirmed if the so claimed title is true, but I do spot among them, a few familiar faces that seemingly, ever appear on some TV commercial before.
It is amazing how Instagram connects us socially, there is no barrier against the different social status, but only photos of themes that interest us, and got us connected.  Don't you get amazed by the power of social medial?  I do!


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