Tears Again

I was into tears again. This time, not for you; but for Morrie whom I never met. I cried for the death of a great teacher, I cried for the loss of a great coach in life. I was moved to tears by Morrie who share his thoughts, and his values in life,and make a distinction to other people's life even till his very last moments in his deathbed...

Had I "met" Morrie earlier, would things be different? Would I do things more correctly or carried myself in a more proper/positive manner? I would not be able to answer coz I cannot guarantee I will not forget the lessons learnt from Morrie. But, I may have minimized the times/chances of committing the same error again and again.

Human Beings are forgetful animals. We constantly need reminders to remind us again and again. So, if you think I have done things incorrectly and that there are some bad habits that you think that I really ought to kick away, pls remind me!!! I may be antagonized for that very moment, but usually awhile later after cooling down, I will do some self-reflection and try to change for better.

I won't be able to guarantee that I can change completely, but will try my best. Being my friends, pls do not keep quiet; but rather, remind me and knock some sense into me! That's what friends are for - telling you the truth though it hurts, but know it's for your own good...


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