Sweet Gesture...

Yesterday received an sms from one of my yahoo auction client. She was asking me if I use Bodyshop products and kindly extend her previlege of 30% off the retail price to me. So sweet of her...

Was very touched. We do not know each other in person and have had a few exchanges via sms and emails.

It could be out of gratitude that I gladly share with her some simple html codes used in my auction listings to break the lines; that she decided to extend her previlege to me .

I could have played her out since I do not need to pay upfront for the Bodyshop products. Yet, she go ahead with buying the items for me. The value of the products is not too expensive but neither are they just a few dollars items. Trust is probably built through our first auction transaction.

Anyway, am glad that I'm building up my credibility, even with newly made "friends"...


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